Monday, September 29, 2008

Nature Walk...

We had some time Friday afternoon for a little nature walk at one of the parks. It's not one we go to very often even though it's closest to the house. The girls were quite impressed by the waterfall. I found myself wondering if highschool kids still jump into the water during the summer? We'll let the girls figure that out when they're a little older...

Spa Day..

The girls thought it was hillarious to have their hair up in the towel like mom!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Peyton's Big Adventure...

Peyton got to ride the school bus 3 days this week. We've had horrible road construction on the only road in and out of the school. It started this summer and of course wasn't finished before school started. Final paving was this week and they had the road pretty much closed completely. So Peyton got to ride the bus with Olivia and Ali from their house in the morning.
She was very excited.
The paving is done and now we'll go back to drop off and pick up as usual. She's a little sad, but she'll get over it.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Lights, Camera, Action...

Sophia's big 5 birthday was a big hit. The girls had a great time. Peyton wasn't too interested in slowing down to have a picture taken. Bella on the other hand was all too happy to have her picture taken while she took our picture! Cute little cameras for all the kids were a big hit! Happy Birthday Soph!

Happy 89!

Grandpa Al is turning 89! The girls made him special cards and enjoyed some time with him for dinner. Happy Birthday!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I know I'm in trouble when I hear whispering! The girls were at the kitchen counter coloring and Bella has taken a liking to the scissors lately. No big deal - they're safety scissors right? I hear Peyton whispering "you should cut your hair...." I wasn't fast enough to stop the damage! After my initial freak out we decided it was kind of funny!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


We've been busy trying to squeeze the last little bit of summer into our days. We slip n' slid through Olivia's birthday.

Swam at Grammy Sue & Daddy Bob's.

And went to the park!

Friday, September 5, 2008


Peyton has officially started Kindergarten! She's been very apprehensive about the whole thing, but has warmed to the idea yesterday and this morning. She was still nervous this morning at school, but she was just fine when I left.
Showing off her big girl back pack and running to the playground before school started.

Signing in on her first day! 25 students! Wow!

Gone Fishin'...

Peyton went fishing with Daddy Bob while I took Bella to school for the first time. She caught two Lake Trout and ate them both for dinner. She proclaimed, "These are the best Salmon I've ever had!"

Bella's a Big Girl...

Bella has started school, well o.k., it's Play Group and it's two days a week for two hours each. But she is very excited and pleased with herself. This was breakfast - I made her take her shirt off so she wouldn't get jelly all over it.

Photo op and then milk with Dad before school. She did very well and of course had no problems with me leaving her.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Whistler - Part 3

Bob took some great pictures of us. Thanks so much!

Whistler - Part 2

We had a great time in Whistler with Grammi Sue & Daddy Bob! Thank you so much!
Though it wasn't hot like summer, we couldn't complain about our great sunshine and almost no rain!
Each of the girls was allowed to choose one activity. Peyton knew before we even got there that she wanted to do the big bouncer and Bella chose the inflateable bouncer. Both had a blast!