Saturday, August 30, 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008

Photo Op...

Daddy Bob's birthday was the perfect excuse to get the girls dressed up for a photo op. According to Bob, Chris, Great Grandpa and Shara fall has started and the snow will be falling in just a few weeks! The girls were very patient but they couldn't wait to get their swim suits on and go swim!
A little silly break!

Slide Time...

The girls and I went to the water slides with Uncle TT, Auntie Shara, Olivia & Ali. Their church hosted the event so we were able to join them for free! It was a great way to try out the slides for the first time. Above - Peyton, Olivia and Ali going down the slide by themselves.

Uncle TT and Bella followed! She thought it was great until I dunked her - Oopps! She much prefered Uncle TT's technique! Thanks so much for letting us join you we had a blast! Can't wait to go next year when the girls are a little older.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Yep, we're getting ready! We bought this costume today for Peyton, but turns out it fits Bella better - I guess it ran a little small. She's quite pleased with herself! The next picture was taken by Peyton - she was also quite pleased with herself!

I don't know what to say...

It was so hot and I guess Bella thought it would be cooler minus the bottom half!

Giggly Wiggly...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Fair...

What a great tradition the fair is. The girls really enjoyed it this year. We spent time with the draft horses and watched them do their show from the grand stands. 8 teams of 6 in less than a football field with no set plan - they just start going! It was amazing!

We stayed up late this year and did the Ferris Wheel last. It was neat to see all the carnival lights from up high.
We even saw baby cows that were born that day!

We bumped into a few friends and went on a ride with one. Peyton was very excited to share the experience!

Happy 5th!!!!!

5 seems like such a huge milestone. Peyton is definately not a toddler anymore!
Peyton had such a great day with all her cousins.

And Devo!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Peyton!!!!!

Peyton turned 5! Wow! I can't believe my baby is 5! She got a 5 toe donut from Daddy complete with candles for breakfast.
We also had a morning visit from our deer family. Two babies and mom. Peyton thinks they were wishing her a happy birthday!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Baby Beluga in the Deep Blue Sea...

While in Vancouver we spent some quality time (eating lunch on the bleachers) watching the new baby beluga and mom swim around. Peyton thought it was great - Baby Beluga is one of her very favorite songs!
Chris and I did not have the patience to fight the crowds and wait in line to view the Belugas from below. We were able to walk right in to the underwater viewing for the dolphins though. The girls that that was pretty cool!

The Zoo (really)...

During our ill-fated trip to Whistler which turned into an overnight in Vancouver we spent some quality time at Stanley Park. It had been yearssssss..... since Chris and I had been so it was fun to explore with the kids. We went to the Aquarium (more in another post), the petting zoo, the boardwalk where we watched an unbelievable number of sea planes take off and land, and the miniature railway. We had a great time even if it wasn't what we had planned.

Not the Zoo...

We keep talking about the "zoo house". Well here it is! We walked down the last two nights and tonight I remembered my camera. Such a crack up! The girls all thought it was pretty cool.

Peyton and Ali with the gorilla family.
Peyton and Ali with the giraffe and baby.
Lion, elephant and two baby elephants.
All together there is a family of 3 gorillas, a tiger, a lion, a giraffe and baby, and an elephant and two babies.