Friday, May 30, 2008

The Big Dig...

Peyton loves all the equipment while Bella is never really so sure.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Bella gets her groove back...

We've been trying to get Bella to peddle her trick instead of scooting with her feet on the ground. She finally has it, though I don't think she was excited as we were!

Yep, those are your feet!

To Honor of Uncle Wes...

and all the many cats we had as children that Wes somehow always found a new way to terrorize. Now it's the girls turn. They thought they were so hillarious putting Harley in the baby play crib. And neither of them were scratched. Harley really is a good cat!
This brought back many memories of Wes and our cats growing up....tape on the feet, sock on the head, mohawks.... need I say more!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Beach Day...

We had such a great afternoon at the beach! Auntie Tracy organized the get together and it was great to see everyone and the kids had a

blast! Such a great way to kick off the summer!


We went to the parade on Saturday. The girls loved it! But then what kid wouldn't. We watched for about and hour and then the repetition got a little boring. You can only get excited about so many fire trucks, horses and bands before you've just seen enough. The girls were excited to leave at that point and get milkshakes!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mission accomplished...

Bella was a real trooper this morning at the hospital. She couldn't have done better! The staff was great and our doctor was in an out in 5 minutes! Tubes are in, liquid is mostly drained out all ready and Bella can definitely hear better.

Isn't the wagon precious!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Graduation Day...

Peyton has officially "graduated" from Pre-K to Kindergarten which she very vehemently does not want to go to! Teacher Kathy had cute stories about each child and they got to bring home their "All About Me" books that they've worked on all year. So, next time you're over make sure to ask her about it!

Favorite story about Peyton: Peyton likes to play with everyone and everyone likes to play with Peyton. The boys (there are 7 in a 9 child class) like to call her Princess Peyton. One day they were on the playground and they were role playing and the boys wanted to rescue Princess Peyton. Peyton's response was "I don't need to be rescued I can do it myself".

Bella goes in tomorrow morning at 7:3o for her ear tubes. We pray everything goes as smoothly as they say it will... We'll keep you all updated!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Last one of the year...

Peyton had her last field trip of the year. Her class has been learning about sea life, etc. for a few weeks now. So, the last field trip was to a private beach down Chuckanut. We had a great time despite the less than stellar weather. The kids had so much fun on the swing! And looking for crabs and starfish! The last day of school is tomorrow - I'm a little sad and Peyton is quite upset about the prospect of Kindergarten. We'll see how the summer goes....

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Maiden Voyage...

A promise is a promise, and boy an almost 5 year old is not going to let you forget it! We (I) had promised the girls that we would go tubing this weekend. By the time we got around to it yesterday it was too windy so we talked Peyton out of it. Well, as you can imagine, she didn't forget that we still needed to go today. So mom had to go and take one for the team! The water was a little chilly but not as bad as I thought it would be. As you can see the girls had a blast!

Bella sat by herself for about half the ride then it got a little too bumpy for her and she sat with me. She squealed and laughed the whole time.

Is Summer Here....

Wow, we hope so! This weekend rocked! Chris and I got quite a bit accomplished in our yard and the girls loved every minute of outside time.

I swiped Chris' camera to take pictures this weekend. We'll see how long he'll let me keep it...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I have two things to update you all on. First, my camera is broken. So, until I get Chris to bring his home from work or get mine fixed there won't be any pictures.

Second, Bella does have a hearing problem. She has fluid the consistency of glue in her inner ear. This causes everthing she hears to sound as though it's coming through water and also eliminates the ability to hear the lower range of sounds. She'll be having tubes put in her ears to get rid of the fluid and then the doctors will recheck her hearing to be sure we've taken care of all the problem.

We are so glad to finally know what the problem is and that we're not crazy! Hopefully, there aren't any underlying issues with her hearing and within a couple of days of the tubes being put in she'll hear clearly!

Friday, May 9, 2008

A little bit of 'tude...

Peyton and Bella had some great quality time with Grammy Sue & Daddy Bob today. The grandparents were kind enough to take the girls down to see the tulips.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I can swing...

Peyton discovered at the park last week that she could pump her legs and make herself go on the swing! She's quite proud of herself and I'm thrilled to be back to only one child to push!

Craft Project...

I've found that the day goes much better if we have a planned craft/project. Today we did wood masks that I got for $1 at the fabric store and then we used markers and sparkle paint (of course) to decorate. The girls were quite amused with themselves!