Monday, March 31, 2008

All Aboard....

Here are some more pics from vacation. We made it to our little train/carousel park with the girls. Though they enjoyed it, I'm not sure we'll hurry back next year. They weren't over the moon for it like in years past. It was hot by the time we left and getting very crowded.

I think they liked the carousel the most!

Friday, March 28, 2008


Peyton thought she was pretty funny on the lounge chairs yesterday! I didn't let her stay there very long - mostly because I didn't get to lounge so neither could she!

We finally had Blogger withdrawl...

Thought we post a couple of pics (I finally got the connections figured out for one of the cameras). Coming home tomorrow doesn't sound so good, especially to snow! The girls have been having a great time with all the water! We finally got smart and started taking extra sets of clothes in the car for such events!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Bella has her very own sense of style!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Museum Time...

One of Peyton's all time favorite things to do is going to the museum. We went last week and had a great time - even Bella gets in on the action!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

We wanted it to be Spring...

We wanted it to be Spring or even maybe Summer today! It wasn't! We went for a bike ride down on the Boulevard after school and froze!

The Wisdom of a 2 Year Old...

I'm not sure what she was thinking, but Bella thought it would be smart to dump a full sippy cup of dirt on top of her head. As you can see we had to strip before coming inside. She thought she was something!