Friday, February 29, 2008

Singing in the Wind...

Peyton broke out into improptu singing and dancing this afternoon and Bella of course followed suit! There weren't really any words, just lots of La, La, La and other things that rhyme - our new thing!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Happy Belated to Dadda!

We finally had a birthday with Chris tonight. After last nights trip to the doctor with Bella we didn't get a chance to celebrate. The girls and I had Chris' gift all set up and tried to get the fire going in it. Chris showed up just in time. We sat around the fire for a while "morsting" our hot dogs for dinner. Then we threw them on the BBQ to finish them off!

Thank You Daddy Bob - we stopped by to get some dry firewood for our fire pit!

On the Mend...

Finally! Peyton is all better and Bella is finally on the mend after a visit to the doctor. She had the start of an ear infection and I wasn't giving her enough Tylenol. Tonight marks 1 full week of having one of the girls in bed with me and Chris sleeping on the couch - so hopefully Bella will be well enough to sleep on her own.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

V-Day Party...

Peyton had a great day at school. After missing all of last week for one ailment or another, this week was great for her. The valentines party was a great end! She also got to be the day of the month counter and the weather girl today! The kids can't wait to have jobs! If only we could get them that excited about jobs at home.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Duck!

"What's that?" - Bella answered, "A duck!" It was a moment of clarity that has not been repeated, but I'm hoping for great things now!

Friday, February 1, 2008

I do it...

Isn't potty training fun! Bella likes to do it all by herself - big surprise. This was the result when she put her pull up on. She's doing quite well with her poopies on the potty.