Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Red Eye...

I guess I need to get a program for taking the red eye out before I post the photos. Anyways, here's a few of the good ones. Ceci and Bella are just precious and the four together are trouble for sure!

This kid is going to be trouble....

says Chris on Christmas Day. And he is so right. She may

not have very many words, but she gets it. Uncle Wes taught her how to put her hand on her chin and say, "Hmmm" while holding the present. She thought she was pretty clever!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! The girls were so excited this morning for Santa. We put our cookies of course with a glass of milk and reindeer food with a drink for Rudolph (red colored water). I made them wait in the hall this morning until Chris and I were both ready with the cameras etc.

Peyton was very excited that she got what she had asked for from Santa. A green stuffed animal frog and a guitar. These two items have been the only items on her list for months.

It was a little cold this morning but we had to get a picture with the play house that Chris and Daddy Bob spent so much time putting together. Peyton wanted to bundle up and play in it this afternoon - but I had to say no - I didn't want to go out!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry, Merry...

One more sign that life is returning to normal in our house - painted toes!

Merry Christmas Eve! The girls are very, very excited for Santa to come tonight!

Peyton got a scooter from the party on Saturday - Bella got a Big Wheel (which is not put together yet). So far they've shared the scooter pretty well.

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Peyton & Bella received a fish tank for Christmas from our babysitter. So, last night we went and got two GloFish. I've

yet to see them glow, but supposedly they do. The girls are very excited about the return of a fish to our house. We'll see how long before I have to secretly replace them.

Ice, Ice, Baby...

Chris had a Christmas Party for work today. It was our first time ice skating with the girls. Soooo much fun! Peyton was skating with the walker - but by herself - by the time we left. Bella really enjoyed it too and of course didn't want to stop. And I didn't fall once!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

5 minute concert...

Peyton had her Christmas "program" at school yesterday. It lasted about 5 minutes. Her class and one of the other classes of Kindergarten kids sang a few songs.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Oh thank heaven....

...for little girls! The festivities for Bella's birthday are now officially over. We had a great time with all the cousins. I always thought it would be nice to have a boy, but I now realize that the girls are so perfectly suited to each other and we are so very lucky. The big girls are growing up and turning into very thoughtful, lovely girls and the little girls are still just piecing it all together. They each are so sweet. Thank to everyone for joining us and for the thoughtful gifts for Bella's 2nd Birthday!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The "Activity"...

Peyton got her first "Activity" after much debate and searching for one that can be played with. Of course the big fight between the girls is who gets to play with the Baby Jesus!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Bella

Bella is 2!!!! We had a great day today. She was not interested in cake at all though. She was more interested in the turtle balloon that Chris brought home for her and she's discovered what she looks like in pictures. She stood at the counter and watch the digital picture frame scroll through photos - every time a picture with her in came up she would squeal, point and laugh!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

We love to dress up....

The girls chose their own clothes today (with a little guidance) they made excellent choices! Peyton then wanted to have their pictures taken - you can see how interested Bella is.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Fishy, Fishy...

We took the girls to see the last few fish heading up stream yesterday - in the snow. When we left our house it was barely trying to snow and by the time we got there we had icy roads and quite a bit of accumulation. The girls loved to see the fish up close and the snow was just an added bonus!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Winter Olympics...

We can't wait to have the Olympics nearby. The girls will both be old enough to understand and enjoy a couple of events (hopefully)!

Just trying to get caught up.....

More pictures from Whistler. I don't think the guy at the ski shop had ever had quite this interested of an audience before.