Thursday, November 29, 2007

We're back.... Almost

We're in the house and starting to remove things from storage etc. These pictures aren't new, but I thought I'd put a couple on anyways. New photos coming soon - when I find the download connection for the camera! Thanks to everyone for all the help with the remodel and move!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Naked Baby...

Bella is going through the 2 year old naked baby phase. Unfortunately, it's the dead of winter and a whopping 66 degrees in the house. Thank goodness we're moving to a house with heat.

Bella and I spent some time catching up with Soph & Ceci's trip this morning before Peyton woke up. She seemed to enjoy seeing the pictures. Peyton checked it out after she woke up and really enjoyed seeing her cousins. She's definately missing Soph.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Day at the Beach...

We had some free time to go to the beach this week. Though it's not the sunny Hawaii beach that Wes & Tracy and the girls are at, we still had fun.

I tought these were funny pictures of the girls in Grandma's chair. Bella thought she was being soooo funny!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Happy Halloween...

Enjoying a piece of candy!