Monday, September 24, 2007

We love the park...

Even at 59 degrees! The girls love it anyways - I froze!

Peyton is such a big helper and despite not wanting to share lately - still loves to help her little 'sis.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

These boots are made for....

Bella enjoys shoes just about as much as Peyton and I do.
Peyton had trouble going to sleep last night. At one point Chris went to check on her and all the lights were out and it was quite dark. Usually she leaves a flower night light on. Chris turned a light on and asked her if she was alright. She responded, "Dadda, turn the light out. Now look at the floor. I took the stars (the glow-in-the-dark stars from her ceiling-some have fallen) that fell off the ceiling and made a path to the door. See. Now I can follow the stars to the door - see how they make a path right to the door. Then when I get to the door I can turn the light on!" What will she think of next!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

As the Sun Goes Down...

on the day and on summer. We went to Dairy Queen for one last hurrah tonight.

Bella does it all herself these days!

Dadda, Dadda, Dadda....

This is almost a nightly ritual at our house. The girls are either out in the driveway/yard waiting for Chris to get home and drive down the driveway with him - or - they go running out of the house at the sound of his car yelling, "Dadda, Dadda, stop!"

So, Dad stops and loads them both in on his lap to drive around the driveway. They love it - and so does he!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Last of the Birthdays!

Happy Birthday Sophia! Seems we've had a whirlwind summer of birthdays! I think Soph's is the last of them. What a great time - Tracy outdid herself with all the farm related fun stuff. Peyton gave it a thumbs UP!
I couldn't resist this photo of Soph going over the swing!

The haystack was the best! Both our girls loved it!

Bella saw one of the bigger kids doing this and now she thinks it's the greatest!

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Today was Peyton's first day of gymnastics. I think she had fun. She like the trampoline the best (last picture). Bella was a good sport - even though she didn't get to participate.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

New Do...

Chris couldn't make his haircut this afternoon, so I took Peyton at the last minute. Everyday she get's a little older and today was another notch. She looks so much older with the short do. I think it really turned out cute!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Chicken or the Egg...

Peyton's First Day of School

Peyton had a great first day of school. She had fun meeting a few of her new classmates, drawing, singing, playing in the gym, etc. On the way out of school she said she really like Teacher Kathy. Hurray!