Friday, May 25, 2007

Car Wash

The girls helped me wash the car today! You'll note that the only dry spot on Bella appears to be on her lower back! I think she had a little help from sister with the all over spray down. And who can resist a picture of Bella with shades and a phone!

Speed Demons!

The girls love to go on the boat! They love the speed!

Duck, Duck, Duckling!

We finally saw some ducklings! Peyton was sooooo excited. She got to feed them some bread and they came very close. Bella just wanted to eat the bread and I think got a little upset when I threw it in the water!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Summer Weight Loss Plan

3 hours, 6 bruises, 1 soar back and 10 pounds lost! No pictures of the girls today - I was a little busy!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Looks like the beach. We were just pretending today. Peyton and Bella had a great time at the park today. The weather was gorgeous and they got to play, play, play! The last photo is Bella looking out the window watching the lawn get mowed and waving. I don't think he ever saw her, but she stood there for about 10 minutes watching and waving. She's quite proud of her sliding expertise as you can tell. Peyton is always so busy at the park it's hard to get a good picture of her. She's always finding an older girl to play with and is off and running!

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Bella is awfully cute with a barrette. Unfortunately, it doesn't last long. Peyton wanted me to take a silly picture with her tongue out!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bath Time

I think the girls like to get clean almost as much as they like to get dirty. These happy photos were taken before Bella decided to use the bathtub as a potty! Yuck. Got them all clean and off to bed.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Water Fountain

It doesn't take much to make my girls happy. A little water and some sunshine - or dirt. Today it was water. We had a great time at the park and then went to Fairhaven. There was a bagpipe player at the park practicing (of course I didn't have the camera). The girls were both transfixed and sat still to listen and watch for a good 15 minutes. I'm thinking of taking up the bagpipe!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

It was a great day! We had breakfast with Grammy Sue, Daddy Bob, Auntie Shara, Uncle TT, Olivia and Ali. Then we got some special family time. Peyton and Bella put on quite a show on the stage near the grocery store for me. Dinner was with Grandma, Pappa, Auntie Tracy, Uncle Wes, Sophia & Ceci. Peyton had such a great time playing with all her cousins today! She absolutely loves her cousins. Even Bella is starting to get the hang of the playtime. By the end of the summer I think she might even be able to keep up. It was a great Mother's Day! Thank you to everyone!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Talent Show

Tonight we had Peyton's first stage appearance. She had a slow start but once she warmed up she did really well. Her preschool class danced to "God is Bigger than the Boogy Man". Pretty hillarious!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Well the day started out good - weather wise anyways, but it quickly deteriorated into the windy weather we're used to here. We still went to the park - it wasn't raining after all.

Monday, May 7, 2007

70 Degrees

Today was beautiful! Days like today make me glad we live here, however, they don't seem to be too plentiful lately! Maybe we'll see more now. We had friends come down to play this afternoon. Peyton had a great time! Even Harley got in on the action!

Peyton's Pictures

Peyton has been taking more pictures. Lilacs from our yard and a picture of herself! She just loves to take pictures.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Just Like Big Sister

Bella wants so much to be just like her big sister. Whether it's sitting for a picture in the tent, playing on the computer or sitting and watching cartoons in the morning with milk and mini pancakes. It doesn't much matter what the activity, she's right there copying her big sister and Peyton is a very good sport and doesn't seem to mind.

Thursday, May 3, 2007


With the beautiful weather today, we spent quite a while at the park this afternoon. Bella climbed up and went down the slide all by herself for the first time! You can tell she was very pleased with herself. Peyton had picture day at dance class today. This is the costume for the recital in June. They look so grown up!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Peyton's Self Portrait

Peyton has been fascinated by the camera lately and loves to take pictures. This is her self portrait. After her big fishing expedition this weekend we set the tent up for her and Chris to sleep in. We got her all tucked in and read a couple of stories, then she tells Chris "Dadda, I can feel the hard floor. I think I'd like to sleep in my own bed tonight." It was pretty funny!