Saturday, April 28, 2007

Gone Fishing!

Peyton had a great day today! She caught her very first fish, quickly followed by her 2nd! She was very proud of her "real" fish. Daddy Bob was quite proud of his fishing protege!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Dance, Dance, Dance

Peyton had dance class this morning. It is more than hillarious to watch them practice their routine for the big recital. Peyton is the 3rd from the right. She's not the only one that's "not so sure" about the recital and being up on stage, so we'll see how many of them make it. Next week is pictures and dress rehearsal. She's getting way too big! Bella was content to sit on my lap and watch this time. Usually she wants to join in.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Dr. Seuss

We got some new Dr. Seuss books in the mail today. Bella has loved looking at the pictures. Peyton is now "reading" at full volume in bed "Go Dog, Go"!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Water, Dirt, Mud!

We had some good outdoor time today in the somewhat warmer weather. After the park we played in the water fountain and made mud out of most of the rest of the yard. Peyton was a great big sister and helped Bella get more water from the bucket, which she then dumped all over herself in the excitement of having a bucket of water!